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Homework Binder Information

Binder Information

The binder is as a tool to help improve communication between home and school. If used properly, it will assist your child in becoming a responsible, organized student. As the parent, you will need to make sure your child brings this binder to school each day. Each pocket is labeled as follows:

  1. Inside Front Cover Pocket-Things To Do This Week-This is the Weekly Note that comes home every Monday. It contains all of the events for that week and homework activities, You may leave the note in the pocket, or remove it to display on your message board at home. It is very important that you check the note each night so your child will have what they need for the next day.

Pencil Pouch-This is a good place to send any money your child needs for that day.

(Hawk Treats, Lunch Money, etc… Please remember to place money in a labeled envelope.)

  1. Communication-All school letters will be sent home in this pocket. Bus notes, order forms, permission slips, returned behavior slips, and signed sheets, etc… will come back in this pocket. Clean this pocket out nightly. Complete any forms and return the next day.

I have placed notebook paper in the binder for your convenience. You may use this for your notes to me, Do not tear these pages out. I may also write notes to you on this paper, so please check it daily,

  1. Homework- Your child will have a weekly study sheet. The study sheets will cover letters, sight words and other language skills being taught that week. Please review with your child at least 3 times per week. Please sign sheet each time you review skills with your child.

If we have any special projects or assignments they will also be found in this pocket.

  1. Behavior Report-Behavior report will be sent home each Monday for the previous week.

Please sign and return. Remember you can check behavior daily on Class Dojo!

  1. Leave at Home-All completed class work will be in this pocket. Please take time to talk with your child by looking at his/her work daily and discuss concerns and student progress. Help your child finish any work that is not completed, Clean this pocket out EVERY night.

  2. Pocket Protector-We will use this for study sheets later in the year.

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